Thank you for this article! I don't know what got to me the most: the current and future impact of AI on women of color, the horrifying comments on your TechCrunch article, the insane and harmful Google responses, the knowledge that Reddit is used to train Google AI, or the entirely white meta board. I wish I had eloquent words of positivity to say, but it's going to take a minute to digest before I get there.

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We need other tactics IMO. Even if they had inclusivity on the board they’d view and treat it as symbolic, eating up that individual. OR just find a Clarence Thomas type.

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I am very much with you on not wanting to overreact but also feeling as if the anti diversity voices are so strong these days and having real negative effects. I largely got off Twitter a couple months ago because the racism and sexism and just general lack of caring about harm to others felt so extreme.

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